#2 Sheena

Onto the second and third week of YTT, our weekly routine is quite standardised and slowly getting the hang of it. However, I am still not able to maintain a still mind during meditation. I tend to fidget a lot and my legs go numb easily. As for the practical practice, we were tasked to instruct the class with sun salutation and standing sequences in Sanskrit during our usual morning exercise routine. This is quite a challenge for all of us as we are not used to speaking in Sanskrit and the names are relatively hard to remember. We are progressing very fast and finished our standing sequence. One thing that I really dread after class ends is that my body aches minimally 4-5 days. Even if I want to stretch my hamstring, I am unable to do so due to the intense pain I encountered. I just hope my body will get better and stronger.
200 Hour YTT Oct’20