200YTT – Week 4 – Shirleen (4/6)


It’s the start of week 4! Time flew by so quickly and we are made to absorb the contents as fast as we can.

I’ve never studied so hard for anything. Even my degree. It feels really good to be studying something that I’m always interested and curious about.

Today we learnt about lymphatic system and muscular system. I have trouble relating to the names. But thank goodness it is an open book test.

I know of the lymph nodes in our body, but I did not know its function. I thought they only lie at our throat area. Thanks for letting me know more about my body. With Tal’s explanation of where the lymph nodes position, like it is actually another layer under our skin. Can’t help but feel so ignorant!

I always keep my questions to myself and do not speak up in public. Only through this YTT, I boldly ask dumb questions and am forced to speak up in public. It turns out to be a very good and harsh learning experience for me. I feel like I get confused easily now too. Like getting from point A to point B, seems like point A1, A2, A3, B in my head. Simple sentences can be easily misinterpreted by me. Totally a sign of thinking too much. Jess, thanks for being so patient with me and through the suck-your-blood moments.

It is a week of stress. It feels everything is coming in place and I going to roll out as a full yoga teacher after this. I FEEL SO UNPREPAREDDDD..