Kapalbhati – To do or not to do beyond 120 times?

I have found myself in yoga studio again. Only this time round I have 4 classmates. 4 of us are not working. Cool. It will be lot of fun training with girls again. I said to myself. Hehe. So, on Day 2, our trainer taught us Kapalbhati. She put a disclaimer upfront: PLEASE DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS MORE THAN 120 TIMES PER DAY. If you do it more than 120 times, it will suppress your love hormone and you will distance yourself emotionally from your love ones. So, there was a little voice, i.e. superego inside my head quipped, ‘Sometimes it is our love one who gave us the pain and the heartbreak. Wouldn’t it be good for us to distance ourselves from them?’ As a typical Kapha, the ego in me kept me quiet and think for a while rather than jumping to conclusion. At last, I found the answer online. For a common person, 120 repetitions per minute i.e. two per second is an ideal ratio. Sadhakas above the level of common person can go up to 200 repetitions. It is not advisable to increase the number beyond that. As a seasoned meditator, I believe as a “sadhaka-in-progress’, I can accommodate the effect. So I did more than 120 times Kapalbhati today. ……. Self-diagnosis: Do I still love my mum? Yes I do. So far, no abnormalities detected. So how many times did I do Kapalbhati today? 121. =) Wendy Loh, 200 hour Hatha Vinyasa YTT Course, 28 Sept to 30 Oct 15 (1/6)