The countdown has begun! From Nancy
Hello fellow yogis! We are now 6 days from completion of the YTTC here at IHA Yoga. I can’t believe how quickly it has come. It hasn’t been easy by any stretch of the imagination. I have felt sore almost consistently since I started the course. I have been learning Sanskrit words. I have been studying at night. I have been learning new asanas. I have been learning my own shortcomings as a practitioner — I have very tight shoulders, a stiff back, and lordosis. Grand. The results are showing themselves, however. I am noticeably fitter than when I began. I have performed (adequately) asanas that I thought I would NEVER be able to do. I have swallowed my pride and taught lessons, even when they were FAR from perfect. I have started to learn the art of adjustments. But most importantly, I have fallen more deeply in love with yoga through teaching. I never thought that was possible, because I have always loved yoga. So here we are, and I have to say, my nerves are showing. This will come as no surprise to those who know this Type A personality. Can I do it? Will I forget things? Will I botch teaching a class? Will I EVER be able to straighten my leg in Svarga Dvidasana? Will I be able to do a proper Urdhva Dandasana? Only time will tell. But I won’t give up. I won’t quit. I will try and be kinder and gentler to myself no matter how I perform. I do so hope to see all of you on the mat, and hopefully as a teacher. Namaste. Nancy
The joys of lesson planning. From Nancy
My oh my has it been an eventful couple of weeks! I have taken my first stab at drafting a lesson plan, and in doing so, have gained a new respect for yoga teachers. With over 12 years of experience as a yoga practitioner, I thought “It won’t be that hard! I know a lot of asanas. I mean, really — how difficult could it be!” But oh how wrong I was…. It is far more complex than I ever imagined. How do you design a yoga class that flows well, and where transitioning is effortless, and that is both fun and different? My first attempt was woeful. Then I took it a bit more seriously. I did a rough draft that I thought was pretty good. And then I tried to do it myself. Oh no! It didn’t work at all! It was stilted, and lacked grace. Really poor actually. That taught me that writing something down, and working through it myself were both absolutely essential to a good class. So many, many further refinements ensued, and I finally came up with something I was happy with. Or so I thought…. The fateful Monday to teach it arrived, and yours truly (genius that I am) forgot my typed out version. So I had to read my handwritten notes and try to teach at the same time. Did I tell you all that I use reading glasses? Have I explained that my handwriting is abysmal? Try that one on for size. But hey, enter my lovely teachers Nicole and Jess. With the ultimate in patience and kindness, they proclaimed that (although it needed some restructuring) it wasn’t all bad. I think I was much harsher than they were. And my kind colleague and fellow student Ericka let me know repeatedly how hard it was to do, and that she thought I would make a good teacher someday (voice over emphasis from self on “someday”) I do think, however that this was an invaluable learning experience. It isn’t enough just to write something down. You MUST MUST MUST try it yourself. Repeatedly. Not just once. No other way I am afraid to find the mistakes and the sticky bits. So my dear teachers, thank you. I think I am getting the hang of this. One down, four to go!
So I want to become a yoga teacher. From Nancy
I have lived most (if not all) of my adult life in the corporate world. I became a commercial lawyer, and worked crazy hours with a limited personal life. I have been through many senior roles for organisations both large and small, and have had the privilege of working in many countries in Asia as well as the UK and the US. The stress levels, however, were very high and it took a toll on my health and happiness. As I am now reaching a certain age, I know that it is not my life-long love and ambition to continue in the corporate world. Yes, I will for a while, but not forever. But what to do? Knowing that the path you are on is not the one you wish forever, I was then faced with the dilemma of “now what….” People told me, “do what you love, and it won’t be work”…. I have been a practicing yogi for over 12 years, and I knew it was one thing that I really and truly loved. So…. I found IHA yoga, and decided to gain my certification to teach yoga. Although it has been a grueling first week both physically and mentally, I have (for the first time in many years) come home really and truly happy. I can see a path to the future, and it gives me a level of peace. It won’t be easy (especially at my age), but it will be worth it. You will see! Nancy