
经过这段时间的教培课,我首先向每一位瑜伽导师致敬,你们真的太棒了! 深感做一名瑜伽导师真心不容易,一开始以为瑜伽就是凹各种造型, 瑜伽导师也只是把自己会凹的造型再教给别人,感觉自己应该也没问题吧! 培训课还没开始时是各种踌躇满志跟期待。 可是,当培训课正式开始后,之前种种的想法通通 被推翻了,才知道瑜伽的知识面太广,自己懂得真是太少了,梵语、指令、 排课,对我来说通通都是挑战,瞬间对自己只有怀疑加否定,连继续下去的 动力都减少了许多,不过好在老师同学都是超级真能量,鼓励着我继续努力前进。 通过这些天的学习,虽说在体能以及各方面都在循序渐进,但是在排 课跟带课指令方面总是感觉很压力,排课的理论要点掌握的还是不够精细,每一次 的排课都有很多问题,但是我相信只要继续努力,加上老师的细心指导,我一定可以 克服眼前这些困难,加油,伽人只会越挫越勇! Li Juanjuan

Over? Or only just begun?

So……most of us have already taught our final session for YTT. I must say, getting a chance to invite and teach our friends was scary to the moon and back, but strangely exhilarating as well. We all found ourselves saying the same thing after the hour is done- “It’s OVER!” But then I started questioning…is […]

Of Bhakti and Thank Yous (6)

I was reading my classmates’ blog posts as part of our journalling for YTT and I was suddenly flooded with emotions and reminded about the positive energy of our yoga community. I’ve never felt this before in my almost 3 years of doing yoga at studios. Maybe because all along I’ve practiced mostly alone. My […]

Journey #6

Gratitude. Inspired by Leo   This is going to be a an intimate post by me because I want to express my gratitude to these friends who have shaped my thoughts, and ultimately myself.   First of all, I am immensely thankful to both Jessica and Alexis for being great trainers. Your wisdom and knowledge […]

Journey #5

One more weekend till I’ve graduated ( if i can pass all my exams with flying colors hahahaha ). I honestly do not know how to feel about this.   Ive been spending my weekend mornings for the past 3 months  with Jessica, Alexis and my YTT classmates, and I am getting used to this […]

The Power of a Teacher

When I signed up for the YTT, I was asked an important question, “Do you want to teach when you finish the YTT?” Although it was an obvious question, which I should have easily been able to answer, it wasn’t easy for me. In my view, it was a loaded question. Will I be good […]

The journey to success begins with a single step

Jessica and Alexis seem to be more excited than we are of our own success. They cheer harder than we do ourselves, encourage us most when we feel discouraged, and they believe in us even though we don’t sometimes. And I thought, isn’t that essentially what teachers do? I hope I can become the kind […]

Charis Lam 2018 September 200HRS (6)

This week, I taught a bigger class with 11 pax, including my friends, their friends and my two classmates. One day before my teaching, Jess told me that I could be more sensitive at the level of my students. She reminded me the importance of teaching with better delivery such as breakdown the poses and […]

Charis Lam 2018 September 200HRS (5)

Two weeks before I taught my first two classes, I had a hard time deciding what type of class should I teach. I asked Jess about her opinion during the class, and she told us to teach something that we would like to teach in future after we graduated. I started to ask myself few […]