It has come to the end of week 3. All of us were a little heavy when we heard Jessica reminded us that. A little recap on how I was before joining this ytt. I had backache most of the time when I lied down to savasana after the whole practice. Which I do not have this feeling throughout my training here so far. It is surprising and I feel great about it. Still it keeps me wonder: Maybe like what Jessica always say, she doesn’t like to let her student practice backbends cause most of the students don’t engage core when they do that, it may increases flexibility but students tend to lose core. The second possibility could be I am finally learning the right techniques in entering and doing a pose. My main reason to join a ytt has always be the same: to learn the right thing. Something very important has been taught to us is to do almost every pose while tucking in your ribs. I know it may sounds very simple yet it plays a major change in my yoga journey. I’m looking forward in more of these simple yet life changing moments in TYM. Never look down into any of these small details and let’s be grateful. Namaste.
The Start of Everything
Second week had just gone by. Remembering how Jade; one of my classmates walked up to the stairs after days of training. If I must describe it, she looks like a “Chatu-pus”. Octopus with 4 limbs; taking their parts to dance in Thriller MV; one of Michael Jackson famous song, as she trying her best to take each and every step up. She really just made our day lighter. Today is the first day of another week, Jade could walked up the stairs like a kid: fast and light. Us too, no more ache on thighs, glutes, triceps, and core. We are getting stronger! Something to celebate! For more “ribs tucked up”, “Scoop in tailbone”, “externally rotate arms” and many more, cheers!
Yokiyan 2019年2月中文周末班
Another step closer…
Finished our second week of YTT..with body aches everywhere again, but this time I feel much stronger compared to my experiences in the first week. We have made a very big progress on the second week of our training by actually leading the Sun Salutation and also giving verbal instructions and Physical Adjustments. I used to think that leading a yoga class is quite an easy task. However, after leading my first Sun Salution sequence, I realized that “talking, watching, counting breaths, adjusting postures, memorizing Sanskrit terms and relating inhale/exhale to different poses” is actually very challenging, especially when you’re a bit nervous, even though it was just facing our fellow yogi students. I have to admit that leading my first Sun Salutation class last Friday was the most multitasking activity I have ever done so far, apart from taking care of my daughter when she’s going through her terrible twos. Now I believe I really will appreciate it more when l go back to my gym’s yoga classes. I feel so proud of myself to have come this far, even though my first class leading experience didn’t go as smooth as I expected. I have tried so hard this weekend to link the “terms, poses, eye contact, physical contact, verbal instructions, verbal comments, blah, blah, blah…” together and hopefully I can deliver a better class experience to my fellow yogis. I’m so looking forward to next week, and at the same time, I really don’t want my YTT finished too soon. I love love this course SO much! We are one step closer to be a Yoga Teacher now. Jade
200HR YTT – Week 2! – Shirleen (2/6)
20022019 Here’s the second week of the ytt! My body is aching at my triceps, my thighs, my butt and a little on my back! Progress progress! Have not felt the sore since my pregnancy, almost a 16 months ago. The pain feels kind of bittersweet. Ha. My husband actually said he can see some muscles on my arms. *diva gif plays* This week’s first lesson is about Kriyas. Cleansing techniques. I didn’t even know that physical methods exist! I always thought yoga is more of like the spiritual and mind stuff. These methods only made sense when relating back to how life was before the evolution of how things are now, with science and technology. It is amazing how the old yogis can even think of such ideas. Yesterday’s lesson was about Chakras. I heard of chakras and roughly know about it when I attended a sound healing workshop. I saw the different singing bowls but they were all white colour! Jess says not to get those white ones because of lead content. =O Anyway, the Chakras lesson made me relate to all the issues that affected me recently. My Svaddhishthana is probably not balanced because of the birthing of Jacob. My flexibility went down hill because I was inactive for 6 months post natal and did not dare to open my hips wide right after the natural birth. There was this tingling thought that the wound will tear or the stitch will open up. I always wonder how women can go through birthing like a pinch of salt. I felt like the birthing process is rather traumatizing. The thought of the cervix opening up for a human to exit scares me. Now that I have experienced it, I must say the real deal is after the birthing. Healing from the wound, the breast feeding and being sure that whatever I’m providing for the little one is the best for him.
2019 2月YTTC200 第一周瑜伽心得
2019年新年伊始,我就开始了RYT200小时的瑜伽培训。2月11号是个让我这辈子都难以忘怀的日子,因为在首课我就迟到了差不多半小时。虽然最终的惩罚避免了做三百个仰卧起坐,但是需要掏腰包请初次见面的同学和老师们喝果汁,也就当大家初见彼此增加感情交流吧!由此我明白了想要成为一名合格优秀的瑜伽教练,迟到早退这些不良行为明显能体现出人品的不合格。 我的主教是Nichol老师,助教是小C和Emma。Nichol老师虽然是有四个孩子的辣妈,但是从她身上一点看不出岁月流过的痕迹,身材依然高挑纤瘦,一副清纯少女样儿。我想这应该是和她多年练习瑜伽有着密不可分的关联吧!在此之前,我偶尔来学校上会员课经常看到她高冷严肃的表情,那时常常猜想她是不是一位“冰山美人”呢?但此时此刻面对着她的教学才发现原来她时常会开怀大笑,不但讲课时言语风趣而且有着极具专业的瑜伽知识。首课中影响最深的是她说:“我不要你们同学之间私底下相互比较······”听了这些话,我对学好瑜伽更有信心,也更庆幸自己能遇上这样的好教练! 学校培训的时间是早上八点到下午两点半。在大家逐一进行自我介绍之后,主教练就让我们做一些简单的体式,两位美丽可爱的助教一直在旁协助着帮忙纠正我们的错误姿势。才惊觉一些看似简单的动作体势我们都做不到位。比如:简单坐姿却被做得歪歪扭扭,是因为没有收紧腹部和胸腔;山式站姿到下腰没有全身用力;下犬式不能一步到位;眼镜蛇式上半身没有向前移,手臂没有向后夹紧…… 2月12号,培训的第二天。学了乌加依呼吸法和拜日B,这些是在第一天学的调息法和拜日A的基础上进行更深入的理解。拜日B和A的区别只是中间部分有几个体式不太相同。开头和结束的体式是一致的。只是这些最基础的体式却已经让我汗流浃背,同时明白了在练习体式的过程中要保持身体核心和其他部位的一致协调,再配合上呼吸和梵语的使用,对于我这这种“小菜鸟”来说是个极大的挑战和考验! 2月13号,第三天,又是个难忘的日子。基于前一天的作业,一大早我们就要进入坐姿引导词的练习。轮到第二位时,我主动去进行练习引导词,可谁曾想可能是紧张,亦可能是之前预备练习的不足够,总之就是引导得结结巴巴、语无伦次。当同学们评价我刚才的表现时,老师直接问我:“你说请将右脚放在会阴处,那么当你面对男学员时,他们应该把脚放在哪儿?”我瞬间傻眼,虽然可以当作笑料,但是我明白自己的许多不足之处,比如:引词时声音太粗哑,不够轻柔;用词不当,咬字不清晰;次序颠倒,不够顺畅…总之缺点多多,我陷入沉思…. 2月14号,第四天;2月15号,第五天。每天早上的拜日和新体式的学习,我都是大量排汗,像刚从水池中打捞上来似的。体式从生疏到日渐熟悉,同时从新体式中又发现了一个自己的短处,由于腿部力量不够,很多单脚站立体式的练习每次都是站不起来而且不稳,真是惨不忍睹呀!但是每天下午生动有趣的专业理论课却让我受益匪浅!很快第一周就在冲冲忙忙之中度过了。
今天已经是课程当中的第二个星期第三天。周一学习了手肘倒立,昨天学习了乌鸦式。在一步步学习的过程中,发现瑜伽体式练习的收腹部,弓背,手臂夹紧真的太重要了。有意识的控制身体,稍微的身体力量,老师最后一句点拨你就能完成这些高体。瑜伽体式不是健体,不是你要使劲,费很多力气。是身体的一种平衡,在某一个点,你会觉得做这些体式很轻很轻。感谢老师的耐心指导,正确的练习方式让人进步很快。 张灵丹2019年2月中文YTTC
在练习瑜伽前,认为瑜伽是什么?可能单纯的觉得瑜伽跟其他运动方式一样,只是一种身体上的行动。开始学习瑜伽后老师上课中的不要外八站,收腹,卷尾骨,这些指令统统做不到,我的身体不知道哪里是腹部哪里是尾骨。没有任何觉知。记得印象很深刻,第一次学做骆驼式,心里非常害怕,往后弯一点点,就好像会被自己的口水淹死。颠倒过来的世界让人陌生,只有窒息和恐惧的感觉。老师让找胸腔的觉知,不知道在哪里,自己对自己的身体那么陌生,时间一点点的过,坚持瑜伽后,慢慢身体有了控制意识,这让我对瑜伽有了一个新的认知。瑜伽是让你对自己的身体有充分了解,让你有觉知。这几天上课,老师讲瑜伽是什么,呼吸,身体的属性,心灵的属性。这让我对瑜伽又多了新的了解。瑜伽体式只是瑜伽中的一小部分。而善良谦卑这都是瑜伽精神。 张灵丹2019年2月中文YTTC
第一天上课,老师让我们在教室里示范平时是怎么走路的,当时我们不明所以。只是觉得我们的脚步声有的很重,有的很急。老师告诉我们走路的姿势都不对,骨盆前倾,走路没有用到核心等等所以脚步声听着沉重,急促。卷尾骨,收腹部,锻炼核心这些都是在瑜伽课堂上经常听到老师提醒我们的。但是在课堂外,我们都忘了这些。瑜伽并不是仅仅在那一个小时两个小时的瑜伽课上。瑜伽是一种生活方式,一种精神状态。它存在每个生活细节,是精神和生理平衡的状态。反思我自己,一直在追求一种平衡状态,追求瑜伽生活。但是紧紧只在瑜伽课堂上卖力,而忽略了在瑜伽课堂外的二十几个小时。其实在没有老师教你怎么做的瑜伽课堂之外的生活才是最重要的,吸收老师交授的,日常实践,自我修炼才能得到真理。我很感谢老师的提醒,用瑜伽的生活方式去度过我们每一天,这才是一个瑜伽练习者应该有的态度。 张灵丹2019年2月中文YTTC
My journey of YTT
The first week of YTT is done and dusted. I have only started practiced yoga for about 6 months and I have fell in love with it from the first few classes. It also helps me with my back pain issue. However, I have yearned for a deeper practice and learning. I also want to achieve my full potential. These are some of the reasons why I join Yoga Mandala for the 200 YTT and I am glad that I did. I have never been happier. Before YTT, I was lost and miserable, stuck with the dog grooming job that I am not passionate about as it was affecting my health. I started to develop eczema, constant back pain, trouble breathing and sensitive eyes. During the class I can forget about everything that troubles me and focus on myself, my breath and my unconscious mind during morning meditation. After the first week of YTT, my body has never been so sore but definitely stronger. I can feel that my body is changing everyday. I managed to do asanas that I thought would take me years before I can achieve. For example, lifting the legs up from a tripod stand. I can now hold a strong crow too. Nothing is impossible even though it comes with sweet pain. Classes are also fun and never boring thank to the friendly fellow yogis and of course the lovely teacher, Jessica who never fail to encourage and make us laugh. Anna