
RYT200第十八天,自己第一次实战课,学生是自己邀请的朋友,全程慌得一逼,状况多多。其实心里也没有很紧张,但是自己又要演示动作,又要去关注学生体式情况,又要动手调整,嘴里不停的说,手上还要不停的做动作,哇,头大,第一次课真的不尽如人意。心里越想做的好,表现出来就越慌张,传递给学生的能量也不好。课下老师和同学指出了很多我存在的问题,非常的感谢。相信自己会更好的,明天也要加油呀。 曹煜 2019年3月中文RYT200

Judymer again!?

又到了每周写blog的时间了!!很高兴又来写写写,这对于一个热爱絮絮叨叨的人来说简直就像追剧一样简单又开心哈哈哈~实不相瞒我每天都有写日记的习惯,如果有可能的话希望看到我写文的朋友们都能坚持写日记看看,不管是对日常的生活还是瑜伽练习都是一个非常好的记录哦! 第二周的练习我还是比较适应,大概我性格上就是对什么都很好接受。身边的同学们觉得练完第二天都浑身酸痛的时候我觉得这个酸痛完全是在可接受的范围之内诶(难道是我没练到吗…)也正是如此,我希望自己在体力方面可以再提升一些,挑战自己的极限而不要停留在自己的舒适圈。毕竟来ryt200本身就是来挑战的,继续加油! 说到最近的练习。在我心里最过不去的一个坎就是我对所有头朝下的体式都带有深深的恐惧。今天做双角式的恐惧真的一点也不亚于头倒立时我的恐惧。老师在辅助我的时候我手心大量出汗,觉得血液流动的都慢了……真的毫不夸张,在上一期节目哦不上一篇blog中老师说过我的根轮非常不稳定,导致我非常缺乏安全感。(江湖人称“密码锁女孩”)我对环境的变动都会感动非常害怕,生活中是这样,在做瑜伽的时候更加放大了。我真的真的很想告诉老师,我不是不想努力做这些倒立类体式,是真的很害怕。我需要迈过去的不是体式上的调整,更多的是我心理上的建设。我会努力的…… 乐观是我,嘻嘻哈哈是我。不安是我,但轻言放弃可不是我哦! 好吧本期blog要跟大家说再见了??拜~大家一起努力! 王姣娣2019年3月中文RYT200成都

It’s Almost The End… Noooo!! (Shuping)

We have officially marked the end of teaching assessment today. As much as I feel like having a huge rock finally gotten off my chest (I even had wanton mee and 12 fried wantons for afternoon snack to celebrate), there is also a part of me feeling sad that all’s coming to an end. It was a really great 4 days having the opportunity to teach, as well as observing my classmates teaching. Every one of us have such different teaching methods, strengths and weaknesses, and as the last day of teaching went by, I realised how each of us has grown so much over the 5 weeks. I could still remember my first day sitting in the small studio introducing and talking to each other, asking each other what got us here. Fast forward to 5 weeks later, I see each of us having such great confidence teaching one another. We chatted over lunch saying we should continue meeting up regularly to try out each other’s sequences and teaching one another. I do hope this comes true. Not only have I gained so much knowledge in yoga, and confidence in teaching, I have definitely gained precious memories and great friendship with my classmates 🙂 Tomorrow would be our final day of assessment. All the best to all my classmates, we can do it! 🙂

The yoga mandala RYS200

最后一片部落格了,课程即将结束感慨万千!这一个月的辛苦练习,考试成绩不是很好,但努力了,谢谢几位老师,(Nicole老师,茸儿老师,小C老师,Emma老师)的耐心,细心指导,谢谢小伙伴们的陪伴和督促,监督!明天要虐小伙伴们了??,你们要做好准备哦!???!其实很不舍,课程快结束了,忽然很失落,这种感觉就像失恋,(我和瑜伽在恋爱!??)之前每天上午的体式练习,下午理论,回家要排课,要记梵语,每天忙忙碌碌很充实,虽然累,但真的享受这个过程,虽然享受吧,但也真的盼望快快结束(每天真的不够睡??),现在是真的要结束了,又不舍,(典型的双子,风元素性格???)!中午和小伙伴一起吃饭还在聊,以后我们约着在坡岛,或出国找环境好的地方组团瑜伽,哈哈哈哈哈,光想想都觉得美! 其实这次瑜伽导师培训课程,不光让我对瑜伽精神有了正确的认识,也让我对瑜伽体式有了更深刻的了解,对我在以后瑜伽的练习中有很大的帮助!而且让我对生活充满热情,对身边的人和事有了前所未有的关心!真的很感谢The Yoga Mandala,帮我赶走抑郁,让我对生活,有了积极性,从新看到希望与光明! LYUYANYAN(吕燕燕)

Finally done for teaching Cindy

I was teaching 2 classes today! I felt so stressed before I went to the studio. I woke up at 5am to practice and go through my sequence. I always mess up with right and left. I got so much love from my class mates! They kept telling me I’m doing good they love me and my class. Give a lot of spirit support to me. And it ended up well! Even I was impressed by myself! I went really calmly and I knew exactly what I was doing. I didn’t get panic at all! Because the love they gave me! I might have said some words wrong to deliver the instructions but I corrected myself immediately and stayed calm to continue my class. I controlled my class. Finally I feel like I’m a teacher today not a student anymore. But the way it’s still too Long to go. I still got a lot to learn. I got a bit overwhelmed to adjust beginners. I’ll try to learn more how to give them the best way to practice and observe. Anyway. Today’s better than yesterday! And tomorrow is gonna be better today!


can’t believe it’s time to say goodbye. I Was waiting for this for sooooo long and now it’s almost over. This was an experience of a life time, that left me with a huge appetite for more. I want to take this opportunity to thank Jessica for her contagious passion for yoga and teaching, for her unbelievable ability to evaluate our strength and knowing exactly what we need. For pushing us to want more and do more. For having the patience, the senses of humor and wisdom. For leading us to become leaders, for making us a family in only 5 weeks. Thank you Alexis, that in your own humble quiet way, you are able to make everything work, and always there to the rescue. Girls; Boon, Shirleen, Shuping, Cindy, Jade and Anna, it was an honor being you classmate. Thanks for your support and team work. Love you girls. So grateful for this blessed experience in this life time. Namaste you all Tal

12-March-2019- Tal

‘Do you feel pain? it is not pain it’s progress’ 🙂 If this sentence sounds familiar, you probably took a class with Jessica @ The Yoga Mandela. Apparently our body and mind can learn how to enjoy and embrace uncomfortable feelings and situations, and by doing so, we allow ourselves to find new pathways to overcome, develop and grow. So, I now feel that my ‘pain macule’ is so much stronger than 4 weeks ago. And I know that this will effect my life far beyond my yoga mat.


直到今天我们已经排了两次流瑜伽的课程,每次排完课都是自信满满,觉得自己的课程里面站立、坐立、跪立、仰卧体式…该有的都有了,顺序也是从高到低,真的是除了完美没有别的词能形容了,可是每次上课老师来分析课程的时候,才知道回家还需要多听听黄小琥的《没那么简单》,老师分析后才明白体式的选择,体式的顺序,体式的难易度在排课中多去考虑,并不是找一些体式按照基本规则随便一排就是一堂课,自己真多是想得简单了… 不多说了,听歌去了,哦不对,排课去了… RYT200 成都2019年3月班 姜锦球

My First Class (boon)

Today is my first ever teaching exam. I’m very thankful of my friends that are willing to be my guinea pigs. However, I think I kind of screw things up. Firstly is by creating a sequence that I thought was okay but turns out is too much for certain students to handle. Poses that I thought is basic and I didn’t have to explain/demonstrate much but turns out I really have to. Secondly, it has always been my weakest point. Not to float away which I still did on my own teaching class. Sometimes I’m amazed with how fast my mind just slipped off in split second. Maybe I should really do a handstand while teaching my class? Hmmmm…. Lastly, is multitasking. It is a challenge for me to adjust a person’s alignment and my eyes have to scan around the class to make sure the safety of my students. I just cannot understand if my mind can slip easily. Why not my eyesight? I mean how nice if my eye can check around while I’m focusing on adjusting someone’s alignment. I do understand we are all different so we will have different struggles in doing certain poses that might seemed easy for me but may not for others. So as teaching. It is not my thing, for now. But I shall not give up in learning. That’s why I’m here in this course.

Last week of YTT

It has been a tough weekend. I received the news that my dear grandma suddenly passed away on Friday after class. I had to fly to Vietnam for her funeral on Saturday and came back on Monday. On top of that, This is the busiest week with the exams and the classes coming 🙁 I love yoga for the physical benefits in my body it hadn’t occurred to me that the benefits of yoga poses include easing the burden of the grieving process.I, now, find myself using meditation, the ujjayi breath to deal with grief and find peace these past few days. I found myself focusing on happy memories with grandma when I close my eyes and somehow the weight is lifting off my shoulder. It has been helping me maintain my sanity though it’s going to take time to heal. I will be dedicating my classes to her and make her proud since she has always been very supportive of me. Anna