The fifth stage of my YTT experience can be termed as “Adrenaline and Rush”. Adrenaline coming
from the recognition that teaching weeks are impending, assignments are soon to be due and more
so, the need to switch from current student mode to teaching mode pretty soon (*send some help).
Besides sequences that needs to flow, I am proud to say that we have started thinking of regressions
and progressions. Something that I never thought I will be doing as I am so attuned to the student role
of doing that pose correctly. Yes, the mindset shift somewhat still boggles me but hey, it is possible!
What makes all these a lot better is definitely the sessions on understanding different body types,
physical adjustment class and starting on the assignments soon to help pace yourself given the other
commitments that you may have (I know it is hard!). Procrastination is arguably the greater nemesis
at this point in time :S
Well, there is always a silver lining in everything, including this adrenaline rush! Thankfully, being in
an YTT with a group of like-minded people and seeing how hard they worked throughout does inspire
you to get started. It’s like there is this subtle (or not so subtle) reminder when you see others taking
instructional videos, posting on social media and bonus: offering to help you with positioning the
camera, pressing that record button, assuring you that it is okay as many shots as you need to or
filming alongside with you (thanks ladies <3). Perhaps it is that sense of working hard together; as I
type here right now, I am somewhat thinking how am I at my fifth blogpost already.. Isn’t it just
moments ago that I was lamenting how long it will take to get these six blogposts out…
Shi Qi
200HR YTT Jul’21 Weekend