Alicia: 2 Looking at others differently

“The next time you go to a yoga class, you will look at everyone
differently.” Learning the details of poses made me realize that everybody’s
body is indeed different. Some might not have open hips, some are much tighter
body than others, and some might have injuries the naked eye can’t see. This
was something that I did not realize before YTT. Boy did I realize that yoga
classes needed so much more preparation, details and very sharp observation
skills (it could be something as subtle as one standing upright – knees rotating
too much inwards to leaning too much forward to the toes). Jessica pointed out
that you would have to understand a person’s body to know what he/she needs
and wants out of your class. Something as simple as one walking into the room,
from the feet to the knees to the hips to the back, you can tell what to look out
for this person.

200 Hour YTT Nov’19