Anita – WEEK 5 PART I

I taught my first community class today and it went relatively smooth. Ever
since the first week of YTT, I was exposed to teaching sequences and
postures that was part of our curriculum. Although this material was given to
us, I still struggled with not just memorizing but also adding my own touch to
these teaching sessions.

When we were tasked with finally coming up with our own sequence and
leading the class independently, I was really excited. It was finally time to put
what I had learnt to the test. I had so much fun planning my sequence,
swapping out asanas and making sure they flowed smoothly. What I found
difficult was maintaining a strong, calm presence in class because I am
usually a bag of nerves when it comes to facing a crowd or people in general.

I practiced my sequence on my classmates and even tested it out on my
friends to get their feedback before the real thing. Everyone had similar
feedback that I needed to be more confident and have more faith in myself
because somehow my insecurities manifested through my voice.

Today’s class went relatively smooth although I was slightly disappointed I let
my nerves get to me in some moments of the class. Nevertheless I am really
proud of myself and I am so excited to keep teaching and improving.