Another step closer…

Finished our second week of YTT..with body aches everywhere again, but this time I feel much stronger compared to my experiences in the first week. We have made a very big progress on the second week of our training by actually leading the Sun Salutation and also giving verbal instructions and Physical Adjustments. I used to think that leading a yoga class is quite an easy task. However, after leading my first Sun Salution sequence, I realized that “talking, watching, counting breaths, adjusting postures, memorizing Sanskrit terms and relating inhale/exhale to different poses” is actually very challenging, especially when you’re a bit nervous, even though it was just facing our fellow yogi students. I have to admit that leading my first Sun Salutation class last Friday was the most multitasking activity I have ever done so far, apart from taking care of my daughter when she’s going through her terrible twos. Now I believe I really will appreciate it more when l go back to my gym’s yoga classes. I feel so proud of myself to have come this far, even though my first class leading experience didn’t go as smooth as I expected. I have tried so hard this weekend to link the “terms, poses, eye contact, physical contact, verbal instructions, verbal comments, blah, blah, blah…” together and hopefully I can deliver a better class experience to my fellow yogis. I’m so looking forward to next week, and at the same time, I really don’t want my YTT finished too soon. I love love this course SO much! We are one step closer to be a Yoga Teacher now.