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Article 1: Tiara

This week has been eye opening for me. I’ll be honest, upon signing up for
YTT, I had taken a long break from yoga and I hadn’t been very physically
active. Knowing how good yoga has been for me in the past and wanting to
learn more about it, I decided to take the leap and sign up for the YTT. I was
aware of the fact that this would be a challenge for me, especially since I
would be working as a swimming instructor simultaneously. Finding a balance
between YTT, work and finding some time for personal rest and recovery has
been the biggest challenge. However, in a short period of time, I already feel
my body getting stronger and more flexible.


“It is not a race, it’s a marathon”. I am constantly reminding myself that yoga is
not about being able to accomplish poses quickly, but rather a journey for
mind, body and soul in which I accept the truth about my body. The truth of
the flexibility of my body and the poses its able to accomplish. As the days go
by of YTT I am getting to know my body better. Becoming aware of my body;
what its able to do and what it’s not able to do yet. This allows me to set new
and realistic goals for myself. I realize that joining YTT is only the start of my
yoga journey. I am grateful to be going through the YTT with an interesting
group of people. We are growing individually and together as a group. There
is a positive and supportive vibe amongst us. Our teacher Jessica is also very
encouraging. She is knowledgeable and shares her personal experiences
openly and authentically.


On day 2 of YTT I invested in a new yoga mat. It was definitely worth it and I
realize a good quality mat is the foundation of a healthy yoga practice. My
wrists no longer hurt and I can stay in poses for a longer period of time. I look
forward to the coming weeks and what they have in store for me!


200HR YTT May’21 Weekday
