Athena: First experience with Yoga nidra

We learnt how to get into Yoga nidra during class recently. To be honest, I had some
doubts about the effects of yoga nidra but I definitely experienced the effects first hand.
The whole experience of yoga nidra included my body contracting (by squeezing various
parts of our body like our palms) and then relaxing. Then it moved on to preparing our
mind for it. We had to make sure we don’t fall asleep. It was still quite amazing how my
body just got to that state where my mind continues to stay awake but my body is fully
rested on the mat.

The whole session lasted for about 45 minutes but I thought I rested for only 5 minutes.
Really amazing.

I started sharing about this technique to my colleagues and even my boyfriend. To which
one of my colleague mentioned that when he was serving the nation, his sergeant actually
conducted yoga nidra on them to get them to relax. Talk about practising yoga anywhere
and everywhere!

I got my boyfriend to also download the yoga nidra app we were talking about in class. Oh
well, he bought the app because (free credits) and then proceeded to fall asleep 3 minutes
into yoga nidra. Well, it’s a start!

Feb’20 Weekend YTT