Athena: Practising yoga everyday

I could feel my mind, soul and body changing. It’s my 10th day of doing Yoga
consecutively. What I thought would have been impossible to do is slowly kicking in as a
habit. Waking up 40 minutes earlier every day and starting the day off with simple
breathing exercises and a few rounds of sun salutation has made my day a lot better. I
could start to feel the benefits yoga is bringing to my mind, body and soul. There is
definitely more to Yoga than just the physical part of it. Well, we all know that
theoretically but for myself to feel this, I really want to share this with everyone else. And
also for them to experience this 🙂

Flowing with the breath, being present, practising with mindfulness is slowly seeping into
my daily life. Has yoga finally transcended into my body? Maybe.

I’m going to continue this and see what it feels like.

Feb’20 Weekend YTT