Athena: Teaching my 1st class online to my friends

Such an exhilarating experience!

Took a leap of faith to do a shout out on my Instagram page and call out for friends who
wanted to try out yoga or practice while I lead. I was pretty nervous at first, but if I don’t
try I will never know 🙂 It is definitely an experience leading a class of first timers – they
are trusting me with their first experience with yoga! Had to tell myself that I come with
an intention of wanting to share the goodness of yoga and how yoga will potentially
benefit them! Whatever they may feel after that (they don’t want to come for yoga
anymore or yes I want more!!), I hope they take away something about themselves from
the class they attended.

Definitely something I want to keep doing on the side, just sharing my knowledge of yoga
with my friends and family. I have seen yoga helped a lot of people struggling with mental
health and it is especially important in Singapore where life is so hectic that we help each
other stay safe and healthy.

Conducting another private class with my bunch of university friends this Friday so hope all
goes well!

Feb’20 Weekend YTT