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Back to the Roots – Laura, RYT200

When, why, and how did I end up here – slightly more than midway through a 200-hour long
intensive Yoga Teacher Training course? I thought it would be befitting to start off my series of
YTT reflections by going all the back to reminiscence about how my yoga journey has been over
the years.

I went for my first yoga class a number of years back, when my best friend in university asked
me to join her for a trial class. I don’t remember much about what happened during that first 60
mins of exposure, but I did know that I left the class with a slight (very slight only) interest
in the practice and I left it at that.

Fast forward a few years, I found myself with a corporate gym membership. I began attending
yoga classes alongside HIIT classes as a way of diversifying my routine. Gradually I found
myself going for more and more yoga classes, attracted by how the practice made me feel. I felt
like it was 60 minutes of focus and escape from daily stresses, accompanied with an occasional
sense of achievement when I observed myself improving over the months.

I embarked on this YTT with the intention of deepening my practice by uncovering the
philosophy and theory behind the practice of yoga. I’ve learnt all that, gained so much more,
and I’ve come to realize that I’m still at the beginning of my journey. The following reflections will
expand more on the last 5 weeks of discovery.

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course
