As the year comes to an end, it actually feels good to slow down a little before we warm up our engines for the new year. As a typical Singaporean, a civil servant, a competitive person by nature, and an overly-ambitious person who packs her time to the brim from Monday to Sunday regardless if it’s to meet friends, work, watch TV, spend time with family, read, or do yoga – all activities are to be arranged as efficiently as possible. Slowing down is a foreign concept that takes conscious effort. During the Christmas break, I did a slow-moving and relaxing 75 minutes flow online that was completely not my style. In my mind I felt that the flow was too relaxing, and I could not help wondering if I was wasting 75 minutes of my life because I was not sweating it out, unlike most of my workouts that would have me drenched in sweat within 30 minutes. But I had to roll my eyes at myself for thinking that way. I have been so accustomed to the idea that a good effective workout must be a sweaty one, don’t get me wrong, it probably does have some truth to it. But perhaps some workouts are actually meant for the mind and not the body. Once in a while, it is important to slow down, get reflective, get introspective and recalibrate our minds so that our body can function better, and there’s no better time than the end of the year!
Soo Hui
200 Hour YTT Oct’20