Brenda on judgment 2/6

I recall attending an Anusara class one monday evening 2 weeks ago. Anusara practices feature partner work quite often. During partner work for pincha, my neighbour on the next mat skipped his practice claiming a shoulder injury and offered to assist me in my practice. I was skeptical of his offer but accepted it. Without any need for instructions, he was assisting like an expert as he assisted to hold on to my legs to help me balance as i hopped into pincha. We both celebrated success that evening and had loads of fun.

Thank you stranger. I had pre-judged you as an someone who would not be my equal, but you turned out to be a better yogi than I – offering your heart and your practice to your fellow classmates.

We’ve all judged another person at some point in time but judgment is made up of our own personal thoughts and opinions and doesn’t tell reality. Judgment limits our life experience and closes us from making a connection.

The practice of yoga is a practice of love. So let’s withhold judgment.

28 July 2019