Carmen: How I see Yoga before my YTT at Yoga Mandala

Confession. I came from a competitive gymnastic background, so I had no problems with most of the Yoga poses and sequences. I thought that was all Yoga was – Doing beautiful and stunning poses and sequences while the Yoga story and theories were just selling points.

After I started the class, I realised my perspective of Yoga cannot be more wrong.

1. My gymnastic background is actually a disadvantage. My body is not listening to me or doing the small things right such as micro bending my knees instead of hyper extending. Later I realise that this poor habit of mine is the cause of my knee aches. I am only in my early twenties.
2. The Yoga theories and stories are most essential. They provide the reasons and explanations for the sequences and flows. And it requires a real Yoga guru to impart such knowledge.
3. Doing Yoga is not just an exercise. It is a lifestyle which I now embrace.

RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend