
YTT has been a never ending learning curve that i recommend for every yoga practioner to take even if they are not planning to teach in future. We learnt about the 7 chakras in our body. It makes Yoga feels so versatile.

Little did i know every yoga class i go to actually help connect with our inner self, beyond the physical aspect.

It is interesting to learn how different chakras lie at different parts of our body. And that how yoga helps us to keep a balanced chakra, for an overall well being of the mind and soul. For example, it is said that an individual with tight hips might have a blocked swaddhistana chakra. He or she might experience negativity such as needing to control everything in his or her life. It is comforting to know how yoga which initially thought as a physical exercise can actually help us from within, out of our mat life.

Melissa (YTT200 June 2018-August 2018)