Charis Lam 2018 September 200hrs (4)

We started our class with meditation. Compared to our first week, meditation became much easier now. I was no longer waiting for time to pass; instead I now feel that it is the natural thing to do. Focus on my breathing with the relaxation of my body and mind. Additionally, I taught the sitting sequence during class with my hoarse voice. Although I’ve been teaching yoga sequences for several weeks, I still could not get the nervousness and anxiety out of me.

The highlight of last week’s class was meditation. We were told to share our “FEAR” with our classmates, and at that moment I realized that I’ve been pushing myself too much and I did not give my body sufficient rest. My intention was to build a stronger body, but I could not do that if my health is not at optimal condition.

During meditation, I kept falling asleep despite my best efforts to stay awake. Jess explained that my body needed the rest. Sometimes staying healthy is not only about eating healthy and exercise; it is about doing everything in moderation.

8th Week, 4th Nov

Charis Lam