Charis Lam 2018 September 200HRS (1)

When I just signed up for YTT, I was worried that I’m not ready for this course. I’ve been practising yoga for two years on and off due to my left foot surgery.

On the first week, I attended the class with an open mind. We started our practice with UJJAYI breath. I have done this breathing exercise before, but I have never tried doing it for twenty minutes. I couldn’t get the Darth Vader sound (Ocean’s breath) right when I did my inhalation, and my chest didn’t expand much. Note to myself: more practise needed.

We did many rounds of sun salutation of in the first and second class. It was tiring and gave me two days of muscle ache but it was worth it. I believe building a strong foundation is important in yoga practice before moving on to other advance poses. For instance, I felt that my shoulder and  forearm were stronger when I did Baby Bakasana (Baby Crow). My homework was to move from this pose to forearm Plankasana as I still couldn’t do a smooth transition.

I think the toughest part in my first two days of my YTT journey is to memorise the Sanskrit, Surya Namaskar 1&2 and Standing Sequence 1&2. I am grateful that Jessica and Alexis teach us some useful methods to remember the name.

I am glad that I signed up for the course, and I am looking forward to my next classes!

Charis Lam