Christine Seah YTT September 200 Hours Blog Post 5

First Teaching Experience

I completed my first teaching experience on 17 November 2018. I had worried about it the night before and then on the day itself while teaching it was just a complete blank in my mind what I was going to do. As I started teaching the class though I started becoming more comfortable and natural so I relaxed a little bit but because I wanted to adjust every student into a best alignment possible, I felt that I could help some students but not other students in each pose and I started to worry again. I believe the best thing that I could tell myself is not to worry so much. I will treat it is a good learning experience. Most of my friends came and gave me feedback that they liked my class and that they hoped that I would go far and aim high. Thank you to my friends and family for their support. I really couldn’t have done this teacher’s training without everyone’s help, including my classmates and teachers. Namaste!