Christine Seah YTT September 200 Hours Blog Post 6

Simple Postures vs. Advance Postures


Jessica mentioned last week that we as teachers should not teach our students our own regular practice. This comes down to while we may teach a very basic class, our own practice may be so called more advanced, or a lot harder. I think it is because I have always been a person who prefers to do simple postures, although through my Instagram it looks like I am doing advance postures, I would prefer to teach simple poses. I would say that in my practice I am doing simple postures almost 70% of the time and 30% of my time I spend doing advanced postures such as pincha mayurasana or headstand. I do not have the confidence to teach advanced postures unless I have tried the posture myself many times myself. In terms of teaching style, I think I would like to teach beginner students. I would like to learn how to adjust them in the posture and help them in terms of teaching them the breathing techniques and alignment.