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Dvidasana at 43 ?

When I told my friends that I was going to take 200 hours YTT, some were shocked and some thankfully supported me and applauded me to even dare to do it at 43. When I told my mum, she thought that I was nuts to even think about it. Nevertheless, I registered and now I am in my forth week. Starting on first day knowing the next younger student in the class is 11 years junior and the youngest ones are legally young enough to be my daughters, made my heart and tummy in the parivrtta garudasana, if there is any such pose. There were days that I finally understand old phrases saying I am to old for this at deeper level each time I was flat on the mat exhausted or when my brain needed emergency cpr during Sanskrit and theory lessons. Nevertheless, I am thankful that I trust my heart to follow through. It may be scary to some, but to hear Jessica Sinclair’s voice in my head all the time, when I sleep, drive, walk,sit, cook and even brushing teeth, saying “TUCK IN YOUR TAIL BONE, TUCK IN YOUR RIBS”, really helps me way much better  than any backache treatments that I had in the past. And for this I will be forever grateful. Thank you my teacher Jessica Sinclair. Thank you The Yoga Mandala ???

Lily (200 hr YTT 31 July-4September 2018)
