Embracing differences – Laura, RYT200

One of the biggest takeaways from this YTT is an appreciation for our individual bodies, and
how each and every one of us is built differently.

On Day 1 of Week 1, we started off the practice by learning about our individual bodies and
what we needed to be aware of. Ganglion cysts, hyperextended joints, hunched backs, and the
arches of our feet just to list a few. Throughout the entire 5 weeks, we also covered how each
individual might face a different issue with the asanas due to body structure.

This is something that I had previously had little exposure to, having practiced yoga in larger
class-sizes where the instructors may not have been able to cater to everyone the same way.
Developing an awareness of natural body structure and formulated habits has definitely allowed
me to deepen my own practice and to also become a better instructor. By observing my own
body, as well as my classmates’, I hope to be able to better connect with myself and my body!

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course