During my first inversion practice:
First attempt: “You can’t do this, don’t even try”
Second attempt: “Are you kidding me? You’re not even good at downward dog and that’s the regression for this pose. Don’t even bother”
Third attempt: “Forget it, you’re just not good enough for yoga”
The mind can really mess with you. While trying to achieve “the impossible” I encountered some thoughts in my head that I previously did not realize I entertained. I am somebody who gives my everything to help someone or to solve a challenge – during inversion practice however I realized that I only really follow through a challenge for others, not myself.
Yoga has helped me tame the voice in my head and make my conversations with myself kinder and more forgiving. By recognizing that some things I tell myself do not serve me, I was able to have a more constructive approach towards solving my own challenges. Right now, this has helped me with headstand practice, in the future I can see this helping me achieve more “impossible” things!