Our YTT is approaching the finishing line in less than 2 weeks. All of a sudden I feel like I am having a “panic attack” – am I ready to be called a “Yoga Teacher” yet? I have learnt a lot and grown a lot over the last three weeks, but I still feel like there is a lot out there for me to explore. I love to learn, I love to explore and I enjoy my learning journey so much, but am I ready to start my teaching journey?
We have focused so much on developing a smooth and practical class sequencing since last week. I have noticed the importance of “flow” in a practical class sequencing, so I always try to run through my sequences on my yoga mat before I hand in my class sequencing homework. However, I still feel like there is still lot of room for designing a better one to benefit my future yoga students. I wish I have more time to create as many sequences as possible now, so that I can have as much feedback as possible from our trainer Jassica, before we face the real world.
I am now working on the sequencing for tomorrow’s class, which is my first one whole hour yoga class, to teach my fellow yogis as my students. I am very excited to see how the class comes out tomorrow. Yet at the same time, I am panicking if everything is going to fall into the right places as planned. Let me be confident with myself now and hope for the best for tomorrow!
Jade Hales