I read this some time ago and thought it was quite apt to my practice – “The thinking patterns we each grow up with and carry through life are often repeated not just within relationships and careers, but on the yoga mat too. That’s the thing with a physical yoga practice; we’re able to see our habits, and we can choose to change them.”
I am still trying to find my line of balance in an inversion. “Tuck in your ribs, tuck in your tailbone! Move to the left a little and towards the mirror!” I often hear all the instructions lovingly given to me while I am in a headstand – everyone helping me to find my balance. But of course, do I even have balance in my soul? It could be reflective of the imbalance in my life. At the back of my head there is a bunch of backlog versus a very present life that I would like to live fully.
I feel myself transforming in these first few steps taken to achieve that balance. Slowly but surely I shall get there, as I listen to my breath and feel my body sway into its line.
RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend