Felicia: Fast Forward, Forward Fold

Almost three months ago, I was a pale, stick-thin skinny girl with very weak arms (I need two hands to pull up a hand brake kind of weak); and not to mention, I could not touch my toes to save my mother’s life.

On the first day of YTT, Jessica asked each of us what we would like to accomplish from the course. Most of my classmates mentioned achieving an inversion or some elaborate pose names that I didn’t even know what they were – yes I was a complete noob! I only knew very basic ones like CHILD’S POSE, butterfly pose and downward dog. Of course who doesn’t know what a plank is. You get the gist. Anyway I said I wanted to be able to do a Chaturanga so I could do a decent Vinyasa. I was always stumped whenever I joined a commercial class and the instructor would say “Okay Vinyasa.” I would look around and be like “K what. How. Uh,” and I would drop my chest and bring myself into a downward dog (basically imitating everyone else!).

I knew I was weak and needed to build my strength – and all I did was attend each class religiously and pushed myself with every Sun Salutation. It took all the weekends of the first 1.5 months and when it happened – out of nowhere I magically did a Chaturanga. That moment was everything to me. I felt like anything was possible and every feat was the fruit of my super encouraging YTT mates and teacher.

It was during my second community class (third-last YTT class) when I demonstrated a Sun Salutation to my friends/students. “From here, fold forwards from your hips and try to touch your stomach to your thighs. If you can’t, bend your knees, and bring your bum high…” And it happened. I just did a Forward Fold without having to bend my knees – I can finally do an Uttanasana to save my mother’s life.

RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend