Finally done for teaching Cindy

I was teaching 2 classes today! I felt so stressed before I went to the studio. I woke up at 5am to practice and go through my sequence. I always mess up with right and left. I got so much love from my class mates! They kept telling me I’m doing good they love me and my class. Give a lot of spirit support to me. And it ended up well! Even I was impressed by myself! I went really calmly and I knew exactly what I was doing. I didn’t get panic at all! Because the love they gave me! I might have said some words wrong to deliver the instructions but I corrected myself immediately and stayed calm to continue my class. I controlled my class. Finally I feel like I’m a teacher today not a student anymore. But the way it’s still too Long to go. I still got a lot to learn. I got a bit overwhelmed to adjust beginners. I’ll try to learn more how to give them the best way to practice and observe.
Anyway. Today’s better than yesterday! And tomorrow is gonna be better today!