I never thought that I can teach in front of a group of people.
I never thought that I manage to conquer my fears and tries inversion yoga asana. Slow but
it’s progressing.
Everyone sort of having the voice of self-doubt in their head. I have self-doubt. I have
insecurities. I have low self-esteem. I have stage fright. I worried about how people thought
about me. I always try to avoid things that I’m not confident. This is me before I enrolled
in this YTT program.
I’m not saying I’m perfect now. But I know the minute I remove my self-doubt, I can
achieve what I never thought possible. I’m glad that this time I did not hesitate and decided
to enrol the YTT program after N years of excuses and procrastination.
This YTT requires us to teach in front of our peers. This is precious experience. I know I
need to overcome the insecurities and eventually it makes me overcome the fears. I learn
to receive constructive feedback.
The morning asana practices every weekend morning did helps and strengthen my body. I
notice the muscle gains and improvement through a dedicated practice and with time. More
soreness and muscle definition. Practice makes perfect. I become more confident when I
can do the same poses better than yesterday. Especially I learned how to retract my shoulder,
tuck in my ribs, and engage my glutes.
I still can recall how my YTT teacher encourages me and pushes past my limit but does not
force me brutally. She said ‘Mable, tell your mind you can do it. Take a deep breath then
do it. Remember to tuck in your ribs.’ Guess what. I succeed my first Pincha Mayurasana
ever (although with legs on the wall). Still, this is a huge improvement for me.
Be courageous and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
Trust yourself. I’ve taught myself not to listen to my own self-doubt anymore.
200HR YTT Jul’21 Weekend