First Community Class ( 24th April )


Its amazing how when I look back now, never in my wildest dream can I imagine teaching a full yoga class. I still remember how nervous I was when Jess first started asking us to take turns to just to recite a few poses in Sanskrit – I couldn’t think, I couldn’t breathe, my heart starts to race when its almost my turn.

And then there was that session where we have to come up with 3 poses each in standing, seated, prone, supine. I couldn’t even differentiate which poses belong to which group. (well.. I didn’t even know what is prone – the word) All the poses, even when I am allow to google I wasn’t sure I was looking for?

Then we learn progression / regression , joints movement . Its like a building blocks, Jess train us step by step, building our knowledge and confidence incrementally, each week pushing us a little further, with humour, one day without realizing how much we have come, teaching a full yoga class doesn’t seem impossible anymore! Not that its easy, its still nerve wrecking but it doesn’t feel like we are being thrown in the deep sea to drown , it felt achievable.

And I did it! Although few weeks before the class, it’s the only thing in my mind hanging over me day and night, but that feeling after the class is completed its indescribable. A huge weight lifted off my shoulder and I actually feel really proud of myself!

Jess made it all seems a little easier for us, and I actually really enjoy every week attending classes learning new things and also Jess’s (sometimes lame) jokes and stories , meeting our classmates which feels like family. Now that its all coming to an end, it’s a bitter sweet feeling. Happy that we are finally closer to graduating but sad that we will not be able to come to classes every weekend now.

Epilogue – TYM has always been part of my life journey , since 7-8 years ago, guiding me through thick and thin. Alexis – has always been so encouraging , supportive, also as a really good friend being there for me when I needed someone. Jess – always inspiring, wise, also entertaining at the same time ( who says being wise has to be serious and boring ). Sara – my idol. I have been very lucky, life has been kind to me.

200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21