It’s Almost The End… Noooo!! (Shuping)

We have officially marked the end of teaching assessment today. As much as I feel like having a huge rock finally gotten off my chest (I even had wanton mee and 12 fried wantons for afternoon snack to celebrate), there is also a part of me feeling sad that all’s coming to an end.

It was a really great 4 days having the opportunity to teach, as well as observing my classmates teaching. Every one of us have such different teaching methods, strengths and weaknesses, and as the last day of teaching went by, I realised how each of us has grown so much over the 5 weeks. I could still remember my first day sitting in the small studio introducing and talking to each other, asking each other what got us here. Fast forward to 5 weeks later, I see each of us having such great confidence teaching one another.

We chatted over lunch saying we should continue meeting up regularly to try out each other’s sequences and teaching one another. I do hope this comes true. Not only have I gained so much knowledge in yoga, and confidence in teaching, I have definitely gained precious memories and great friendship with my classmates 🙂

Tomorrow would be our final day of assessment. All the best to all my classmates, we can do it! 🙂