Jastine (1/6)

A little bit about me. My name is Jastine and till date, I have spent 8 years of my life studying law. It has been the toughest and most challenging journey I have ever been on. Of course, I wanted to quit every single day. I finished my first tranche of my bar exams the Friday before YTT started. It is difficult now as I wait upon my results.

Unlike law school, bar exams are a whole new level. Failing is common, yet fatal at the same time. It means delaying my call – half a year more of being unemployed, having to go through the entire motion of studying for retakes. It is more painful than going into prasarita ardha chandrasana, to me (haha). Do not get me started on how much yoga has taught me, but there is one thing that I hold really close to my heart, one thing that we humans forget, that is, to be kind to ourselves – to never doubt what we can achieve, and to only allow positive thoughts to flow through our minds.

May I learn to surrender to God what I absolutely have no control in.
