Jastine (3/6)

We are here at our fourth week of Yoga Teaching Training and we ended day 1 of community classes today. It scares me how fast time is passing by. Super proud and happy to see that everyone taught so well today. The hard work and perseverance were admirable. May tomorrow and the rest of our teaching go smoothly.

I will be teaching my first community class tomorrow. Not entirely sure how to feel about this but I know I tend to overthink things and unnecessarily worry. This makes me want to talk about my very close friend, Lyssetta, who by the way also did her Yoga Teacher Training at Mandala. For many years, she has been seeing me through all my panic attacks, whilst being emotionless (that is her, really) and the best part is she makes it seem as though that being worried or anxious is a joke. For almost all our conversations, there are a few things she tends to say: (1) there is nothing you can do about it; (2) you just have to do it; (3) don’t worry too much (x 1000000). But usually she also says: I have faith in you. I melt each time this emotionless and sarcastic person says this to me. But importantly, she trusts me.

May I then also have trust in myself. Let’s do this!
