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Krystal: Teaching According to Plan

I taught my first lesson, and felt so unprepared.
Reflecting on my countless mistakes, I asked myself if I could be better prepared for my first
class. The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes, but I don’t think I would be able to
expect my teaching to go according to plan.

Life is completely unexpected in the most wonderful way. Even though it did not go according to
what I expected of myself, I have received valuable feedback after the first teaching, understood
what I did not understand in the first place and strived for better teaching in the next round. I
then became less harsh and critical of myself.

Maybe when things are not going to plan, they are in fact going according to a greater plan.
There is much magic and mercy in this notion. Instead of self blaming, I choose to believe that I
could maybe force certain things into action but the remaining would always be governed by the
laws of nature acting in a way that promotes my wellbeing. To appreciate that there are no
natural forces working against me, but they are working to fuel my growth.

Feb’20 Weekend YTT
