Learning! (3/6) Reena

Time flies.

We are onto week 3 tomorrow, and will also be teaching our first standing sequence. We have also started learning adjustments, which was really an eye opener. How different and seemingly simple poses have so much more than meets the eye. Especially having so many things to do all at once, observing students, alignments, giving details of the postures and remembering the names of the postures. Difficult as it is, it helps me to learn to be more present in the moment. Focusing on the needs of the students and the surroundings rather than relying on memory work is very important. And I am really still working on this! I hope to be able to be better at multi tasking at moments like this, and minimise the stress and nervousness felt whilst teaching.

I also learned to realise the importance of giving correct instructions while teaching. Especially from listening to my friends when they teach, their cues really helps me a lot to become more aware of my own body and postures, especially when I constantly drift off from tucking in my ribs and then the teacher in front goes “tuck in your ribs!!” and I remember! This is an important lesson to take away, so as teachers I will also be able to learn to be more aware of students and my surroundings.

Finally, on Friday we tried our prone postures and was also my first time doing baby bakasana! It was a really interesting feeling and a whoaaaa experience because the body continues to surprise me everyday! And most importantly it was because Jessica gave really good details on how to get into the posture!! This motivates me a lot to keep going and learning more so that I could also give back to my students in future!

Let’s goooo week 3!! I can do it!!

