Mel: Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?

I can’t believe it is time for us to graduate this weekend. (pray for me to pass, please thank
you). 13 weeks flew by just like that. No more Kway Chap for lunch on Saturdays and Lao Pa
Sat on Sundays. No more having Joie as my mat buddy and joking around with everyone.
As I think back over the past 13 weeks, I have become stronger physically, mentally and
spiritually. I’ve made many wonderful memories and I’m so glad to have met and gotten the
opportunity to grow along with my batchmates.

Thank you Jess and Alexis for, aside from being wonderful and supportive friends, guiding
me with love and patience and teaching me so much about yoga.

Thank you Joie, Roro, Estie, AthenAAA, Rae, Krys, Yas, Xtine, Geun Hye, Karina, Xueting and
Monica for being so funny, supportive, encouraging and loving people. I couldn’t have asked
for better batchmates! I’m looking forward to taking your classes!

Finally, thank you friends and family (you know who you are) for being super supportive of
me, feeding me with good food and snacks and for putting your confidence in when I
couldn’t do so myself. Thank you too for being my guinea pigs. I realised that I truly am
blessed with amazing people around me.

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything.
Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you,
so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place”

See ya around!

Feb’20 Weekend YTT