Monday Madness (Han Xiang)

Just taught my first and second lesson yesterday.
Frankly, I wasn’t really nervous – not because I did not treat my lessons with importance, but most probably because I told myself I did not have to be flawless.
Being perfect is GREAT, but acknowledging that trying your best doesn’t equate to perfection is NECESSARY. In life.

In my head, I was just telling myself, “Ok me, just don’t, DON’T let your students feel that you have wasted their time.” That is enough. Once I had convinced myself of that, teaching was actually more enjoyable and fun instead of tiring.

The fatigue only set in when I was on my way home.
On the train, my husband asked me, “So what did the people who attended your lesson say?”
My reply, “Aiya, yogis are all nice people. They wouldn’t tell you even if you were not really good, but at least I feel I gave my all.”
And that is enough!

Sincerely hoping that everyone who came found some joy in yesterday’s practice.
So grateful that they took time.

Han Xiang