More than Asanas

In our first class, Jessica asked us what we would like to achieve by the end of 200hr YTT. I replied that I want to perform one handstand and deepen my knowledge in yoga. The yoga theory classes have indeed deepened my knowledge in yoga and have me realized that yoga is more than asanas. Asana (postures) is only one of eight limbs of yoga. It is also about yama (morals), about niyama (observances), about pranayama (breathing), about pratyahara (sense withdrawal), about dharana (focus), about dhyana (meditation) and about samadhi (enlightenment)…It is all about life and it is reflected in all aspects of our life. Yoga is not only present in our daily life during 1 or 2-hour yoga asana practice. We are supposed to practice yoga throughout the day and our lifetime. Whenever we think, we talk, we walk…yoga is always with us. We can always practice 8 limbs of yoga throughout our daily life, which is even more challenging than a handstand asana. That is when I realized that my 200hr YTT is only a start of my yoga journey and it is going to be lifetime journey.

Ma Jiameng
RYT200 YTT February 2019 Weekend