My Gratitude

An unexpectedly fulfilling journey taking YTT200.

It is sad that the course is now coming to an end, I would never forget this learning experience. Especially grateful to Jessica, our instructor who pointed out and helped me corrected my tiled head that I didn’t even realize! I also came to know I have slight scoliosis that could be corrected overtime. I am thankful that my hunchback have improved tremendously just in 4 weeks due to YTT!

It is no doubt Yoga helps each individual to focus on connecting to their body and mind. It also allows people from all sorts of life to come together, just like our batch ladies. We sweat, study and learn and “pose” together creating friendships!

It is a course that I will never regret taking. Definitely.

Looking forward to the continuous realization of oneself˜

Marilyn (YTT200 – Batch July to Sep 18)