My Second Teaching Assignment

My second teaching assignment was quite a time ticking challenge! The intended teaching slot was 45mins as the studio will be holding a class thereafter. I was nervously waiting, as the clock ticks while the class before mine continues… I knew i had to cut short my sequence to be able to finish 15 mins before the studio starts its class. But how short to cut, to be able to fit the time, yet able to achieve my peak pose of Baby Bakasana?

My class started, and halfway through my standing sequence, i was told i left 10mins! My mind went like “omg…. what should I do?! I just started the sequence!!” I turned and look at my notes, and decided to continue my poses with 1 set each as i wanted to have the preparation poses completed. Thankfully I was able to complete my intended peak pose with the students with an overrun by 5mins. and i missed one side of one standing pose.

It was really a good learning experience.

Marilyn (YTT200 – Batch July to Sep 18)