My Yoga Journey

It all started with an intriguing inversion post i saw on Instagram. And i thought to myself, maybe i can give it a try. To think, i once thought Yoga is all about just stretching. I started to look out for deals on Groupon and went ahead to purchase a 4 class trial passes at a yoga studio. Not knowing what to expect for my first yoga class, i went for my first Hatha(b) class. Maybe it was the teacher i thought, i didn’t quite enjoy the class on my first yoga class. Feeling a little disappointed, i went to another teacher’s class and the experience was so vastly different. The energy levels were upbeat and i enjoyed myself fully.


From then on, i purchased a 30 classes package from the studio and start to go to yoga classes regularly. It was all about losing weight initially with all the dynamic poses performed in a hot room. Then it felt like a yoga high kind of affair, when i felt that sense of accomplishment with achievement of postures i never would have imagined myself into.


I guess a turning point for me in my yoga journey is when i am taking a 200 hours YTT with The Yoga Mandala. It ignites my passion for Yoga again in my dull period of my life. It teaches me that Yoga is a whole lot more than just asana. And that, we can all achieve more if we want to. Whether in our own personal practice, or by sharing what we love with people, inspire them with our passion.


Melissa (YTT 200 June 18 – Aug 18)