I’m starting this journey to get to know my body (yes, after all these
years), to understand her aspirations and her limitations and to
accept them, as they are a part of me. I’m also on a quest for a calm


I know that what my mind wants is not always what my body can
take. Passion and wilful determination have allowed me to practice
several sports for many years and, right now, I don’t conceive my life
without them. But then again, I won’t’ be fast and athletic forever,
and I will have to adapt my “playing” to the “passage of time”,
hopefully with grace…. I’m 50 in case you are wondering.


So yes, I want to align with my body so we can work together to
optimise my physical and mental abilities regardless of my age. And I
want to reduce the noise of my mind to make space for the calm that
I know lays underneath.


And then… the teaching will come, naturally, with ease, with
kindness…I know it.


I’m realistic, this journey will have some dark passages full of
frustration, impatience and anger (my “usual suspects”), but I also
know that it will reveal hidden paths full of light and joy and that it
will become a lifetime journey!


200HR YTT May’21 Weekday