After transferring to Singapore last year with my company, my dream of working in this Asian metropolis, and then flying on the weekends to the beaches of Phuket or eating my way through Hanoi was rudely awakened by a new reality. A reality of working 14 hour workdays hunched over a desk, eyes glazed staring at numbers on my computer screen. After having one too many calls at 1 am with my New York friends on their lunch break, I decided that I could either be unhappy and complain or take control of my life and do something about it.
So I quit. But I wasn’t ready to end my journey here in Singapore just yet.
What now? I’ve never loved being in Finance. But I went to school for it, built a career around it, and spent the past almost 10 years building my experience and perfecting my craft to succeed in it.
I always envied people who were doing things that they were so passionate about. I told myself if I ever had a clean slate to start over, I would. Or at the very least, try to do something I could really love and enjoy.
Yoga teacher training has long been on my bucket list and now I was finally in a position to make that happen. So I held my breath and signed up for the 200 hour YTT course at IHA yoga. I was partly excited, partly nervous, and partly thinking, is this crazy? I’m a risk adverse person! I don’t like public speaking! I’m terrified of inversions!
On my first day, I was so nervous and had no idea what to expect. It felt like I was starting my first day at a new school.
After what seemed like 100 chaturangas during the morning practice and then awkwardly trying to read and speak Sanskrit in the afternoon theory, it was safe to say I left there feeling just a little overwhelmed. I came home and savasana’d on the couch for two hours.
On Day 2, I managed to force my tired arms into a crow pose for three seconds. Albeit it was a pretty ugly crow, I still DID it. It was an encouraging three second reminder that this is something that I CAN do.
Reflecting back on my first complete week, I could not have prepared myself for how demanding this would be, both physically and mentally.
I can tell it’s going to be a long journey ahead, but a good one. I’m still super scared but I’m excited to trust the process and see where it will take me.
Lillian Cheng (200 Hour YTTC September Weekday)