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Nia: 20 September 

Today’s practice felt extra difficult!! I had to teach Surya Namaskar A today, so I was the first up to teach. I was still pretty tired since I didn’t get much sleep the previous night, so I think I sounded quite deadpan, which might have made everybody feel extra tired too. 😳 Jessica told me halfway through the first set of Surya A that I needed to sound a bit livelier, only then did I realise how stony I sounded hahaha. After that I tried to sound a bit chirpier but I’m not sure if that worked.

When we got to pincha I wasn’t even sure if I could hop up because my triceps and traps were quite achey from yesterday. But after the 10 preparatory hops I managed to hang for a bit without collapsing to the wall so I was quite surprised with myself. I managed a few more hangs and then my form started to deteriorate a little.

And then I realised we still had the other side to go HAHA.

Jessica also taught me to pike headstand, which I haven’t really been able to properly manage on my own. The surprising thing was that I practically managed to do it on my own the first time she guided me up the pike. Seems like I’ve surprised myself more than I can count during this YTT.

I am quite pleased with today’s practice. Not looking forward to the full body ache on Monday/Tuesday tho hahaha.


RYT200 Aug’20 Weekend
