Of Bhakti and Thank Yous (6)

I was reading my classmates’ blog posts as part of our journalling for YTT and I was suddenly flooded with emotions and reminded about the positive energy of our yoga community.

I’ve never felt this before in my almost 3 years of doing yoga at studios. Maybe because all along I’ve practiced mostly alone. My schedule always saw me rushing in and then out of the yoga studio, I never really had the chance or perhaps I was just too introverted to make friends.

However… the feeling with YTT at The Yoga Mandala was different.

There was so much Bhakti (Love). And as Jessica and Alexis so willing shared that love and positive energy with us in their teaching. They were constantly encouraging us and making us stronger… so did all my YTT mates!

Coming to YTT definitely felt like having different people from all walks of life come together to share that same love and passion for yoga with you. And that’s one awesome feeling.

I joined YTT 3 classes late because of my scheduled South Africa trip. But everyone still warmly welcomed me. Charis even passed me her notes so generously to let me take photos of them so I won’t miss out too much on the theory lessons.

And when I was doing the sequence for the first time, and I had difficulty in super soldier… i still remember Leo who was beside me whispering to tell me to point my knee to the sky. The next thing I knew, I could do the pose.

It’s so many little things.. that if I were to carry on, this post might go on for a while.

The group lunches we always had without fail every Saturday and Sunday.. It was always inclusive.

And for every breakthrough in a yoga pose you previously couldn’t do, there’s always someone there cheering you on for your little improvements and tryings. Whether its our trainers Jessica and Alexis (and Mario too) or our fellow classmates.. Someone to tell you you’re getting better and stronger. To have someone to bounce off ideas with, and to give you advise on how to better your asanas, and to tell you not to give up.

So happy and thankful to have met these people and the lovely teachers. I have learnt so much from all of you and I hope this Bhakti shared between all of us here will never end.

YTT is definitely the highlight of my 2018. What a great way to also end 2018 with it. I have thought about doing YTT for the longest time, I’m just super glad I finally glad I did it – with Yoga Mandala no less.

It won’t be long before we all graduate, so here’s to the last burst before our exams this weekend. Jiayou guys!



Janice @jannypenny