Only the Beginning


Time flies so incredibly fast when you’re having fun, learning new things, and growing as an
individual. It still feels pretty surreal to already be at the tail end of the course. I don’t want it
to end, I want to learn more! But of course, I have all the rest of my life to do that. This is my
first but definitely not the last YTT course that I will attend. Someday, I would like to be able
to complete a course for pre/postnatal yoga, yin yoga, as well as ashtanga. One step at a time.
When I look back on the last couple of months, I can say that I feel like better version of
myself now. I like her more. I have definitely gained confidence, even if just a little bit. It
feels liberating to have even an ounce more confidence and strength and belief than I once
did. I have become more kind and patient, and most importantly, calm.

COVID is a devastating, unexpected event that barged into our lives unannounced and
unwelcomed. Being 23 is lifechanging, it is the age where one figures themselves out, their
lives, their passions and ambitions and how to get to them. They figure out what it means to
be loved and to be a part of society, figuring out who they are.

For me, it feels as if any blueprint that I had in mind, my plans, my goals and the trajectories
to get to those goals have been burned by the hands of this pandemic. It is as if I woke up one
morning to the news of some evil energy that had sprinkled gas and lit a match on the sight of
my near future. It is scary. But through all of this I have done innumerable hours of thinking –
about the rest of my life and about how I want to fruitfully spend it and I realized it is just
that. I want to spend it fruitfully, doing what I love, with whom I love, in places I love.
Making people happy. I just want to be happy meaningfully; I am not too bothered anymore
about being some big shot millionaire (that’s an exaggeration but you know what I mean).

I am excited to not only teach but to continue learning and expanding my knowledge and
wisdom as a human being, for whatever it’s worth anymore. I have made amazing friends and
connections in my batch and am grateful to have met such lovely people. It also was an
honour to be taught by Jessica who is so well versed and knowledgeable and intuitive and
wise and realistic and honest and kind and loving. I am forever thankful.


200 Hour YTT Feb-May’21