Peers and Instructor: Mable

Honestly, I have learned so much throughout this YTT program. It re-evaluates old value,
challenges my way of thinking and have a different perspective in life. I learned not only
from the YTT program itself. I learned from the peers and the teacher as well.


Birds of a feather flock together. This is perfectly well versing my feeling when I meet my
peers during this YTT. I enjoy the time we are working toward the same direction same
goal. I like how we learned to compete with oneself but not with others. I like how the
supports and encouragement from them. We cheer for one another. A very positive learning
environment. It has become my favorite times during the weekend.


I must also give a credit to the teacher. Sometimes I feel grateful that I can learn from
someone who possess years of experiences and knowledge. Most important are the teacher
being humble, patience and in selfless fashion. She willing to share her knowledge and try
to let us understand the basic theory of yoga in a simplified form. Of course, she will push
you and get tougher.


I do not like Chaturanga since the first day I practice yoga because I got no arm strength. I
even find myself having difficulties in doing push up with knees off the mat. She saw and
reminded me to ‘elbows inward’. Guess what. I manage to go down with no more shaking
arms. Sometimes we do not need much strength to success a pose. What we need is the
correct instruction to enter the pose with the correct strength exert and hold the pose.
Thanks for always pinpoint the obstacles that stop me from progressing.


For me, this YTT marks a commitment to self-growth and transformation. Thank you, my
fabulous teacher and awesome peers!


200HR YTT Jul’21 Weekend